Recipe #59

Albaloo Polo (Sour Cherry Rice) with Rotisserie Chicken

albaloo polo with rotisserie chicken

Serves 2
Sour Cherry Sauce Preparation
2 tablespoons butter
2 cups sour cherries, pitted with liquid
½ cup sugar (can split it between stevia and regular sugar for a healthier alternative)
¼ cup water
¼ cup sour cherry syrup

In a small sauce pan melt the butter of medium heat. Add the sour cherries, sugar, and water and stir until the sugar is completely dissolved and cherries soften. Add the sour cherry syrup to the mixture and continue to mix until mixture becomes syrupy. Remove from heat and set aside.

Rice Preparation and Assembly
3 cups Basmati Rice (you can also use brown rice as an alternative)
1½ teaspoons salt
2 tablespoons olive oil (1 for bottom for bottom of pot and 1 at the end)
1 teaspoon saffron
1 tablespoon sour cherry syrup (optional)

Wash rice in cold water until all starch is removed. Fill the same pot containing the rice with warm water until it’s about 1 inch above the rice. Cover the rice. Place on heat and let boil. Add salt. Let cook about 8-10 mins until rice is al dente but not soft. Reserve about 4 tablespoons of the liquid from the rice then strain in a colander. Using the same pot you boiled the rice in you can begin assembly. Add the 4 tablespoons of reserved water back into the bottom of the pan and add 1 tablespoon of the olive oil. Separately add the saffron to a bowl and dilute with 1½ tablespoons boiling water. Separate the rice into 2 halves and mix ½ the rice with the saffron. So now you will have two types of rice (white and the saffron rice). Using the pot begin the layering by first adding a layer of white rice then saffron rice then some of the sour cherry mixture. Do this layering process until all ingredients are used. Using the opposite side of a wooden spoon poke a few holes into the rice mixture. Drizzle the remaining olive oil onto the top of the rice. Also you can add the optional sour cherry syrup on top. Cover the top of the pot with a paper towel and place a towel around the lid then place the lid firmly on top. The lid should be secured. Simmer on low/medium for about 30-35 mins. Remove from heat and serve with sliced rotisserie chicken. Garnish with reserved sour cherries and slivered pistachios.